EA Chats Sign-up
Hi everyone! We (Benjamin and Vaidehi) are excited to announce a beta-test for an EA Chats service. Users will be randomly matched, given each others’ contact information, and provided with a discussion prompt. You can then schedule a video call and get to know each other. (For those who remember it, this is EA Chats 2.0)

We are hoping this project could especially benefit EAs without local community, like those living in smaller countries/cities or rural areas. If you are interested in participating, please sign up here.

The test round itself will last for 4 weeks, and during that time you can be randomly matched with as many people as you wish to. We will be running it manually for this period, and will aim to randomly match people as soon as they sign up. We will be collecting feedback from users after their first match, and at the end of the four weeks. For more information, please see our full project proposal: http://bit.ly/eapenpals.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us (Benjamin and Vaidehi) at EACommunityProjects@gmail.com.
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Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name?
Please write a one paragraph introduction to yourself to your random match! (Your match will see this)
Would you prefer to video or voice call or email?
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How long have you known about EA? *
The following question help us track our impact :)
How connected do you feel to the EA community?
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Feel free to add any more details about your connection to the community here
Thanks for participating! Expect a match in 3-4 days or as soon as we get the next unmatched person!
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