NRHC Call for Committee Members
NRHC would like to invite administrators, staff, and faculty of member institutions to join a committee. 

This organization relies on the help of volunteers to help conduct the business of the region. Below each committee is described as per our Constitution's By-Laws.

The hope of the NRHC Executive Board is for each committee to be appointed an Executive Board Member to oversee the committee work with at least one meeting taking place by the time (or during) the annual 2024. Subsequent or additional meetings will be determined by each committee. But every committee will meet at least twice per calendar year. 

Please consider volunteering today!

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The Membership Committee

The Membership Committee shall assist the Executive Secretary and Executive Treasurer in identifying and recruiting members and in designing activities to promote active membership in the Region. The Chair and the members of the Membership Committee shall be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Executive Board.

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The Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the President. The Executive Secretary and Executive Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Committee. The President, with the concurrence of the Executive Board, shall appoint other members of the Committee. These people shall be members of the Region and shall be appointed for a one-year term. The Nominating Committee shall present a roster of candidates at a Business Meeting with at least one candidate for each office. The Nominating Committee shall invite nominations of other candidates who must be present at the meeting or who have given their written consent for their nomination. Written consent must be presented to the Chair of the Nominating Committee at or prior to the Business Meeting at which the nomination is made. Nominated individuals will stand for election using voting procedures outlined in Article VI. 

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The Site Selection Committee. The Chair of the Site Selection Committee and up to three Committee members shall be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Executive Board. The Site Selection Committee shall identify sites for future Conferences, identify potential site hosts, and shall work with the Executive Committee. The President-Elect is an ex officio member of the Site Selection Committee. 

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The Conference Planning Committee

Conference Planning Committee. The Co-Chairs of the Conference Planning Committee are the President-Elect and the President. The Executive Board and the chair of the Ad Hoc Local Arrangements Committee are members of the Conference Planning Committee. The Conference Planning Committee shall organize the Annual Conference and make recommendations for assessments of charges, expenditures of funds, and other budgetary matters associated with the Conference. The President-Elect and President may, with the concurrence of the Conference Planning Committee, appoint ad hoc subcommittees and their chairs to address particular issues or topics of concern. Conference budgets shall be submitted to the Board in a timely manner. 

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Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee shall be co-chaired by the President and the Vice President. This committee will develop a plan of action to increase diversity in NRHC, contribute to NRHC materials dealing with issues of diversity, and work to fulfill the intention of this statement. Any honors administrator, faculty member, staff member or student of an NRHC member institution can volunteer. 

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Illuminate Editorial Board

The Illuminate Editorial Board works throughout the year to review student academic and creative submissions and to provide valuable feedback. If you would like to serve as a member of the Editorial Board, please contact Kat MacDonald at Kathryn MacDonald, Editor in Chief (

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Are there any other ways you'd like to be involved with NRHC or other committee ideas that you would like to share?
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