We all need to do our part to save the planet
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Activity 3b
If you feel ready, listen again and fill in the gaps.
1. As an individual, I try to do all I ______ to help *
1 point
2. This seems like a _______ task but it was difficult for me to ______ a habit of it. *
1 point
3. Besides recycling things that I have no ______ for, I also try to find new ______ to reuse glass or plastic containers. *
1 point
4. For example, after I finish a jar of jam or ___________, I clean the glass container and reuse it to _________ things I use in the kitchen. *
1 point
5. However, there are also some things that I do not do that would also _____ the planet. *
1 point
6. For example I often print out things to read or photocopy books that I would need to _________ from. *
1 point
7. I think it would help the planet a lot if I could get used to _________things on my computer or cellphone. *
1 point
8. That way I would not be responsible for killing so many ________. *
1 point
9. As you can see doing our part to save the planet is really a ________ of changing your _________. *
1 point
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