Vivek Faith & Freedom 2023 - Line of Reasoning
Choose the primary line of reasoning that is present in the statements. 
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But I stepped down from my job as a CEO to focus on a different kind of cancer, not a biological cancer but a cultural cancer that threatened to kill that dream that Martin Luther King had 60 years ago, a cancer that threatened to kill the dream that allowed me to achieve everything I have in my life, and that's what we're going to talk about today. *
1 point
We have celebrated our diversity and our differences so much that we've forgotten all of the ways we are really just the same as Americans - bound by that common set of ideals, bound by the truth that this nation was founded on. *
1 point
That is why I expect the Supreme Court in the coming days to end affirmative action in college admissions, and as the next president, I will end it in every sphere of our lives. That is what it means to be an American. *
1 point
We are just a little young, going through our own version of adolescence, figuring out who we are going to be when we grow up. And when you see it that way, it starts to make sense again. *
1 point
And when you have a black hole that runs that deep, that is when the poison fills the void: wokism, transgenderism, climatism, covetism, globalism, depression, anxiety, drug usage, suicide. *
1 point
We're lost in the desert. We are, today, I joke around, we're like a bunch of blind bats actually flying around in some dark cave trying to figure out where we are. You know how a bat figures out where it is? Doesn't have eyes, can't see, sends sonar signals, bounces off the wall, it comes back and says, "This is where I am." *
1 point
We are hungry for a cause. We are hungry for purpose and meaning and identity at a time in our national history when the things that used to fill that hunger - faith, patriotism, hard work, family - these things have disappeared, and that leaves a moral vacuum in its wake. *
1 point
I'm speaking to you this morning as a member of my generation. I'm the first Millennial ever to run for a U.S president as a Republican. I appreciate that, and I'll tell you something about us. I think it's true of all of us, it's definitely true of us millennials. *
1 point
And our job in the conservative movement today is to rise up, to level up, to say that we're done playing whack-a-mole. We're not just running from something; we are running to something - to our vision of what it actually means to be an American today. *
1 point
It's not going to happen automatically. It's going to require each of us to do our part, to be able to tell our kids, for me to be able to tell my two sons and look them in the eye and mean it when I say that we are still the nation where no matter who you are or where your parents came from or what your skin color is, that you still get ahead in America based on your own hard work, your own commitment, your own dedication. *
1 point
The America we know is a vision of what that place can be. "E pluribus unum" means "from many, one." That's the dream that won the American Revolution. That is the dream that reunited us after the Civil War. That is the dream that won us two world wars and the Cold War. That is the dream that still gives hope to the Free World. *
1 point
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