Section 1: Chapters 1- 3 Comprehension Quiz
Welcome to the The Penelopiad chapter-by-chapter quiz! This quiz is designed to deepen your understanding of the characters and events of the story. Engaging with these questions will not only enhance your comprehension and appreciation of Atwood's novella but also prepare you for discussions and assessments on this text.
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Arrange the following events in the order they occurred in this section. 
a) There's a chorus line of the maid's saying that they had been wronged
b) Ducks save Penelope from drowning
c) Penelope says that she's learnt some things since being dead
d) Penelope's father orders her to be thrown into the sea
e) Penelope says that it's her turn to tell her own tale
f) Penelope gets frustrated with the accepted legend of Odysseus and her role within that
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