Clean WOTR information survey
The Clean WOTR project will create a sewer system for some of the homes around lakes Waccabuc, Oscaleta, Truesdale, and Rippowam. We want to know if you have enough information about the project and your preferred way to get updates.
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How informed are you about the proposed sewer project?
Is your home part of the current project?
Do you live on one of these streets?
If you live in the proposed project area and had to vote today, how would vote?
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If the project is successful, we hope to expand it in the future. If you do not live in the proposed project area, what are your views about expansion?
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What are the best ways for you to be kept informed about this sewer project?
Thank you for answering, which will help us decide how to proceed with this project.  If you'd like to provide your name and address, and if  you have comments or questions, please comment below.
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