Biology B Units 6, 7 & 8 Test | Natural Selection and Evolution
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Question 1: Who developed the naming system of organisms, giving each species 2 names? *
1 point
Look at the image below to answer Questions 2 and 3.  
Question 2: Applying the principles of binomial nomenclature, provide the scientific name of a Chilean flamingo. *
1 point
Question 3: Which is more closely related to a cow: a blue whale or a clown fish? JUSTIFY your answer using evidence from the chart above. *
3 points
Question 4: When Charles Darwin discovered the various finch species on the Galápagos islands, he was surprised to find so many different but related species in such a small geographic area. Which of the following best illustrates the correlation between competitive advantage and an individual’s traits in a particular environment? *
1 point
Question 5: How does an individual with a competitive advantage lead to the evolution of an entire species? *
1 point
Question 6: Which of the following could form fossils? *
1 point
Question 7: Based solely on the evidence pictured below, which organism can you conclude is the oldest? *
1 point
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Question 8: Describe a process scientists could use to test your conclusion from Question 7 in order to determine the exact age of the fossil. *
3 points
Question 9: A structure that seems to serve no purpose in an organism is called: *
1 point
Question 10: Which domain contains organisms that are unicellular, prokaryotic, and can cause strep throat or E. coli infections? *
1 point
Question 11: Use the dichotomous key below to answer the following question about insects. To which order does an insect with two pairs of scaly wings belong? *
1 point
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Question 12: Use the cladogram below to answer the following question. Which two are the most closely related? *
1 point
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Question 13: If a mutation introduces a new skin color in a lizard population, which factor might determine whether the frequency of the new allele will increase? *
1 point
Question 14: A change in DNA that can be selected for or against by natural selection is a(n): *
1 point
Question 15: Darwin’s finches have different beaks in terms of size and shape to be able to eat different food sources like insects, nectar, and seeds. Cactus finches have longer, more pointed beaks to probe cactus flowers compared to their relatives, the ground finches. If a plant disease killed a large portion of the cacti on the Galapagos islands, what would the future populations of finches look like in terms of beak size and shape? Use your knowledge of natural selection to determine which option is most likely. *
1 point
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Question 16: The best way to determine evolutionary relationships between organisms is to observe *
1 point
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