Volunteer Interest Form 
Thank you for signing up to volunteer with Michelle's campaign. We can only get Michelle elected with your help! 

Questions? Reach out to Anna Long, Volunteer Coordinator at annascoutlong@gmail.com

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Email *
What's your name? *
What are your pronouns? (Click here to learn why pronouns matter) *
What's your phone number?  *
Do you live in Michelle's district (113)?  *
Do you work in Michelle's district (113)? *
There are lots of ways that you can volunteer! Please check ALL that you are interested in. 
Do you have any other skills, talents, or interests that you'd like to use to help the campaign? Let us know below! 
Do you have any access needs or accommodations you'd like us to know about? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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