Venture University's Investor Accelerator Application
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Below is the application for applying to Venture University's Investor Accelerators.  Complete the application to be considered for a phone interview. Once your application has been submitted, VU's admissions team will review your application and follow-up if we believe you are a strong fit.    

About Venture University:
Venture University is the world's leading investor accelerator venture capital, private equity, and angel investing and was designed for individuals looking to break into or advance their careers within the venture capital and private equity industry. 

VU offers two Investor Accelerator programs:
1. The Venture Capital Investor Accelerator.
2. The Real Estate Private Equity & REIT Investor Accelerator.  

Each Investor Accelerator program is 11 weeks and includes:
1. An Executive Education Program: Masterclass + Advanced Modules + Fireside Chats.

2. An Investment Apprenticeship Program: Individuals join the investment team of a venture capital fund or a real estate private equity fund as an Analyst, Associate, Principal, or Venture Partner or Fellow. Indivisuals develop skills in deal sourcing, conducting due diligence, investment evaluation, presenting at weekly Partner Meetings, presenting and participating on the Investment Committee, building a track record by making investments (~1-7 investments per quarter), and receive a Profit Sharing Agreement to share in the financial upside on the investments made.  

Venture Capital Investment Apprenticeship: Individuals join one of the six vertical focused investment teams (Consumer, Enterprise, FinTech, Frontier, Healthcare, PropTech) at VU Venture Partners, a global venture capital fund, and make ~1-4 new portfolio company investments per quarter and ~1-3 follow-on investments per quarter.  Individuals can join the Venture Capital Investment Apprenticeship program for 1-4 quarters to increase the amount of high quality investment experience and to build a track record of ~1-28 portfolio companies.

Real Estate Private Equity & REIT Investment Apprenticeship: Individuals join one of the three vertical focused investment teams (Residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, and Industrial Real Estate) at VU Capital Partners, a global real estate private equity fund, and make ~1-2 real estate investments per quarter. Individuals can join the Real Estate Private Equity & REIT Investment Apprenticeship program for 1-4 quarters to increase the amount of high quality investment experience and to build a track record of ~1-8 portfolio companies.  

Mentorship By Learning & Investing Alongside Top Performing Investors: VU's senior investment team has 70+ years of venture capital investment experience and 50+ years of real estate investment experience.  VU's venture capital investment partners have invested $2B+ in 300+ companies and were some of the earliest and largest investors in 20+ unicorns, including Beyond Meat, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Venmo, FabFitFun, Flyr Labs, Palantir, Oculus, Oscar, Wayflyer, Wish, and more.  Additionally, VU's real estate investment partners have invested over $7B+ in real estate within top leadership roles at some of the largest real estate private equity funds in the world.

To support an individual's career development, VU's Investor Accelerators also includes: Career strategy planning, networking within the VC/PE industry, and VC/PE job recruiting. 
VU is designed for extraordinary and exceptional individuals who are:
- Looking to join a venture capital, growth equity, or real estate private equity fund as an Analyst, Associate, Principal, or Partner

- Emerging fund managers

- Individuals looking to launch or join a corporate venture capital fund, accelerator, or startup studio

- Angel investors and family offices looking to professionalize their investment strategy into startups, becoming an LP in funds, or launching their own fund

- Experienced professionals who are industry experts and are looking to make a career transition into venture capital or private equity

- Founders who have exited their company and want to launch their own VC fund or launch a new disruptive company

- Entrepreneurs who want to learn to think like investors prior to launching or joining a disruptive company

- Select undergraduate and graduate students

For more information on Venture University's programs, please go to www.Venture.University
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LinkedIn Profile Link *
I'm interested in joining Venture University because... *
Which Venture University Investor Accelerator program are you applying for? *
How many quarters are you applying for?  Gain high quality VC/PE investment experience over 3-12 months and make 1-28 investments.
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Which program periods are you applying for? You can select more than one. 

The Venture Capital Investor Accelerator happens each quarter on the West Cohort & East Cohort Schedule. 

The Real Estate Private Equity Investor Accelerator happens only on the West Cohort Schedule. 
Early Admissions: *
Where are you located? Individuals can join VU's programs in-person in VU's San Francisco and Hong Kong offices or virtually from anywhere. *
If someone referred you to Venture University, please write their name below.
Individuals accepted into Venture University's Investor Accelerators receive a Profit Sharing Agreement to share in the financial upside from the investments made, which has the potential to return none, some, all, or more than the total cost of the program in the future.  Venture University offers professional development programs which includes a cost to participate. Program options and costs can be found at: *
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