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Bike to Wherever Day 2024 Sponsorship
You can use this form to sign up as a sponsor of Bike to Wherever Day 2024. There are several options:
Logo on flyer – these would be printed and disseminated around the community prior to the event
Logo on website hosted by WBW
Logo on thank you postcards -mailed to station hosts
Testimonial profile (non-video) – we will work with your business/organization to develop a non-video social media post that profiles your organization, with a photo provided by you on why you support BTWD and what it means to your business. This will be shared by WBW and getDowntown.
Placement on Sponsor sign for each BTWD Station (Each BTWD station will have a one-page laminated sign of all sponsors at this level)
All items listed at the $100 sponsorship level
Sponsor spotlight – we will work with your business/organization to develop a video to be shared by social media that profiles your organization, why you support BTWD and what it means to your business. This will be shared by WBW and getDowntown.
Prominent Placement on Sponsor sign for each BTWD Station (Each BTWD station will have a one-page laminated sign of all sponsors at this level – your logo would appear at the top of this one-page)
Logo on flyer – these would be disseminated around the community prior to the event
Logo on website hosted by WBW
Logo on thank you postcards -mailed to station hosts
Logo on all social media posts
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Organization Name
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Organization Contact Name
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Organization Contact Email
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Organization Contact Phone
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Which sponsorship level would you like to sign up for
I'm not sure and would like to talk with the WBW about which level would be best for my organization.
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