SAGT Join Online
Please use this form to apply for membership of the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers
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Full Name *
Type of Membership *
SAGT Region *
Home Address (inc. Number/Name, Street, Town/City, Postcode) *
Personal Email *
Mobile Telephone Number *
Job Title *
If you're a student, please put "student". If you're a probationer, please put "probationer". This is because we have specific committee roles and CLPL designed to support people in these roles.
School Address (inc. Name, Street, Town/City, Postcode) *
If you're a student, please include where you study rather than a school address here. But please remember to update us when you enter your probation year or get a new job.
School Email *
Your own work email, rather than a general school inbox please.
Our shared Google Drive needs a Google Account to access. If different to either of your above emails, please include it here:
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