Foster & Adoptive Parents' Morning Out
Pitts Baptist Church is hosting a Foster & Adoptive Parents' Morning Out on September 14th from 9 am - 12 pm. The morning will be free of cost and the kids will have lunch with us! Feel free to register foster, adopted and biological children for this event. We are happy to have infants all the way up to teenagers. The kids will be split into age-appropriate groups for the morning.

All adults volunteering with your kids that night will have been background checked.

Please RSVP by September 7th to secure your spot!

Pitts Baptist Church
140 Pitts School Road NW
Concord NC 28027

September 14th from 9 am - 12 pm

Contact Lesli Cook with any questions:
Parent Name (1) *
Parent Name (2)
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Address *
Child's Name & Age *
Child's Name & Age
Child's Name & Age
Child's Name & Age
Child's Name & Age
Child's Name & Age
Do any of your children have allergies?  Please list name of child/children and allergy or respond none. *
Do any of your children require one-on-one care during their time with us?  Please list name of child/children or respond none. *
Please list the name and number of any other emergency contacts, besides the parents listed above. *
Please list the name of anyone else who would potentially pick up your child for you from Parents' Morning Out or respond with none. *No one who isn't listed here, or as a parent, will be permitted to leave with your child. *
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