Honeycomb Project Registration Monthly support for care coordinators
The Honeycomb Project is a joint project with The Movement for Reform Judaism and Liberal Judaism, increasing volunteer training and wellbeing resources across the movements.  Please fill out the form to register to attend the monthly support group for care coordinators.  Each session is a stand-alone session. Please sign up for each session individually.   If you have any questions please email honeycomb@liberaljudaism.org or honeycomb@rjuk.org.
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Your Community/Synagogue: *
My community/synagogue is a member of:
I am registering for (click one or more): *
The Honeycomb Project is a joint initiative of the Movement for Reform Judaism and Liberal Judaism. All data is held confidentially in a shared database for the Honeycomb Project.
As part of your application, you will be asked which movement you are a member of.  Please confirm if you consent to your Movement contacting you.

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