Business Academy Application
For questions, please reach out to Mr. Maloy (
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Name *
Email *
Grade Level (2022–23) *
Please explain why you are interested in the Business Academy. *
What particular activities are you most excited about? *
What do you hope to gain and learn from the experience? *
Where do you see gifts God has given you that will bring value to the experience and participants in the Academy? *
Where do you have opportunities for growth (personally, spiritually, etc.)? *
If you have taken the Myers-Briggs or Enneagram personality tests, what was your result? *
Have you read the course guide and do you understand the commitment (time, work, requirements, professionalism, etc.)? *
Please list the two teachers who will be providing you with a Teacher/Staff recommendation, and their email addresses. You should speak to them to request a recommendation; they will be contacted directly by the Academy and provided a form to complete on your behalf. *
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