SOAR Foster Interest Form
Thank you for being interested in fostering with Sphynx Open Arms Rescue - SOAR. Please fill out this form if you are interested in being a foster with our rescue. We are 100% foster based so we rely heavily on our fosters. Please give us as much detail in your answers to help us better match a foster home with cats coming into our care. This form is for interest in fostering not adopting. Fostering means you will be responsible for taking in a cat who is being surrendered to our rescue, evaluating that cat (behavioral and health) and then getting that cat ready to be adopted into a forever home. Fosters can adopt the cat they are fostering but they will be considered along with other applicants once the cat is ready for adoption. 
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Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Phone number *
Email *
Are you at least 18 years of age? *
Are you willing to allow a SOAR representative to do a home visit to ensure your home is fit for foster care.  *
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