HUSH2 is looking for new members who are interested in "all things" related to our airport and airport impacts on Long Beach neighborhoods.   A strong membership base brings the organized manpower together when it is needed.  From letter writing to board positions, everyone plays an important role.  Join today, grow with the organization and share your voice!  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
First and last name
Address *
Phone number *
What are your primary areas of interest? *
(check all that apply)
How much time are you able to give to the HUSH2 organization?
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Have you served on other city boards or community organizations?  
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If yes, please list them.
How long have you lived in Long Beach?  
Have you or a family member participated in HUSH during other airport challenges over the past 30 years?
Explain why you are interested and what you can bring to the "HUSH2 community" table.
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