2024 Artist Submission Form
This form is to be completed by the artist or by an individual representing the artist. Please answer the following questions and submit clear images of your art work. Artists are limited to three pieces each and are encouraged  to provide display accommodations or request assistance to display their desired medium. 

Once submitted (online, email or printed), artist is expected to drop off their art pieces and display accommodations. The deadline to submit and drop off your artwork is Saturday June 15th, 2024

If you have any questions, comments or concerns you can email us at immokaleecfaac@gmail.com
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Name/ Nombre/ Non  *
*Contact information is used to keep track artwork and artists. 
*La información de contacto se utiliza para realizar un seguimiento de las obras de arte y los artistas.
*Yo itilize enfòmasyon kontak pou kenbe travay atistik ak atis yo.
Age/ Edad/ Laj *
Email/ Correo Electrónico/ Imel *
Phone Number/ Número de Teléfono/ Nimewo Telefòn *
Tell us about yourself/ Cuéntanos de ti/ Pale nou de ou *
Image of you
Imagen tuya
Imaj ou
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Art piece 1 Image
Obra de arte 1 Imagen
Pyès atizay 1 Imaj
Art piece 1:
*Medium (mixed media, acrylic on canvas, digital, etc)
*Size (in Inches)
*Want to sell it? If yes, how much?

Obra de arte 1:
*Medio (técnica mixta, acrílico sobre lienzo, digital, etc.)
*Tamaño (en pulgadas)
¿Quieres venderlo? Si, ¿a cuánto?

Pyès atizay 1:
*Mwayen (medya melanje, Acrylic sou twal, dijital, elatriye)
*Gwosè (an pous)
*vann li? Si wi, konbyen?
Art piece 2 Image
Obra de arte 2 Imagen
Pyès atizay 2 Imaj
Art piece 2:
*Medium (mixed media, acrylic on canvas, digital, etc)
*Size (in Inches)
*Want to sell it? If yes, how much?

Obra de arte 2:
*Medio (técnica mixta, acrílico sobre lienzo, digital, etc.)
*Tamaño (en pulgadas)
¿Quieres venderlo? Si, ¿a cuánto?

Pyès atizay 2:
*Mwayen (medya melanje, Acrylic sou twal, dijital, elatriye)
*Gwosè (an pous)
*vann li? Si wi, konbyen?
Art piece 3 Image
Obra de arte 3 Imagen
Pyès atizay 3 Imaj
Art piece 3:
*Medium (mixed media, acrylic on canvas, digital, etc)
*Size (in Inches)
*Want to sell it? If yes, how much?

Obra de arte 3:
*Medio (técnica mixta, acrílico sobre lienzo, digital, etc.)
*Tamaño (en pulgadas)
¿Quieres venderlo? Si, ¿a cuánto?

Pyès atizay 3:
*Mwayen (medya melanje, Acrylic sou twal, dijital, elatriye)
*Gwosè (an pous)
*vann li? Si wi, konbyen?
Do you live in Immokalee?
Clear selection
If you have any questions, please contact us at immokaleecfaac@gmail.com
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