Baptism Request Form
After you fill out this form, our priest will contact you to arrange 3 pre-baptismal meetings with you, including one with the sponsors/Godparents. A date for the baptism will be set during the first meeting. Please note, our priest is just beginning to learn Spanish. If English is difficult for you please bring someone to the meeting who can help translate.
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Correo *
Name of the person filling out this form. *
Phone # where we are most likely to reach you *
Name of the person(s) being baptized *
Age of person(s) being baptized *
Is the person filling out this form the parent, the sponsor, or the one being baptized? *
Name(s) of parent(s) or sponsor(s) if this baptism is for a child. *
Names of the Godparents (if a child is being baptized) 3 to 4 people are recommended. If you don't have these names yet answer "unsure". *
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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