LibMod - CEL Open Call Media Workshop in Ukraine
This form is an application form for the open call for a media workshop in Ukraine, organized by Zentrum Liberale Moderne (LibMod) and Clean Energy Lab (CEL). Please, fill in the relevant fields and submit the form for letting us know that you are interested in participating. Based on your answers in this form, we will be able to inform you about the possibility of involving you in the trip.
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Your name and last name *
Job title *
Affiliation to media
Link(s) to social media profiles *
Please, briefly explain why do you want to participate in the workshop. *
What outcomes do you want to get from the trip? *
Would you plan to publish some materials based on the trip? *
If you are planning to publish some materials based on the trip what kind of materials do you expect most likely? *
Please, share your email address so we could contact you. *
Do you consent to share the provided information, including your email and name, with LibMod? The information will be used for the intended purpose as stated in the form. *
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