Sky Ranch CAB Event Funding Request Form
If you are planning a neighborhood event and would like to request funding from the CAB please submit this form. Please note that if you do not need CAB funding for your event, this form is not required. We encourage everyone to plan fun events for our neighborhood, CAB funded or not. Please submit one form for each event.

CAB funding for events is given in the form of a reimbursement. Therefore, all expenses will be initially paid for by the event planner / committee. If the CAB approves funding, receipts must be submitted in order to receive reimbursement.

Please acknowledge the statements below and provide a few details around your event. This form will be submitted to the CAC to champion for CAB funding. Please note that the CAC does NOT approve funding or events, but simply gathers all funding requests to be presented to the CAB.

If you have any questions, please reach out
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Adresse e-mail *
Name of main contact for the event *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact Address *
Planned Event Date(s) *
Total Funding Amount Requested ($) *
Please provide a short description of your event. Where will it be held? What activities will be involved? Etc. This does not need to include all details, just enough information for the CAB to get an idea of the event being held. Please note that if the CAB has any questions about your event, you will be contacted using the above contact information. *
How do you plan to communicate this event and its details to the neighborhood? (Please note that if you are unable to post in the Sky Ranch Facebook groups, the CAC is able to post on your behalf.) *
I understand that submitting my request for CAB funding does not mean my funding will be automatically approved. Members of the CAC will present my request along with others to the CAB to vote on for funding approval. *
If my funding request is approved, I understand that in order to receive funding reimbursement from the CAB, I must keep all event receipts. These receipts must be presented to the CAB for reimbursement. *
CAB funding may only be used for neighborhood events. Only events that are welcoming to all of the Sky Ranch community will be considered for funding by the CAB. While it is strongly encouraged that all CAB funded events be held in a common meeting place (i.e. neighborhood parks, streets, etc.) this is not required. *
I understand that CAB funding may NOT be used to purchase alcohol for my event. While there are no restrictions on alcohol being present at the event, due to liability issues, CAB funds may NOT go towards the purchase of any alcohol. *
I understand that the event I am intending to host must comply with all federal, state (Colorado), and county (Arapahoe) laws and ordinances. Any events that do not adhere to these laws and ordinances will not be considered for CAB funding. *
I understand that if any permits are needed for my event (i.e. a permit to block off a street, permit for the sale of alcohol, etc.), I am responsible for obtaining the appropriate permit(s) BEFORE my event date. *
Once you submit your request, please allow 48 hours for the CAC to review and make sure there are no initial questions. Once we have reviewed this form, you will receive an email acknowledging that the form has been received and has been passed along to the CAC. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to
Thank you for helping plan such amazing events for our neighborhood. We appreciate all your hard work in making Sky Ranch such a fun place to live!
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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