La Leche League of Arizona Memberships
La Leche League is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization. All La Leche League Leaders are volunteers who have nursed at least one child for at least nine months and completed the necessary training/education to become accredited with La Leche League International. Meetings are always free to attend.

Membership dues are used to purchase books for each groups library, printed materials for educational purposes, room rental fees for meeting locations, continuing Leader education, community outreach, and more.  Your support enables us to better serve you, our area, and other families in need of evidence-based breastfeeding support and education.

You can make this payment online at (a link will also be provided after submitting this google form)

Please make checks payable to: LLL of Arizona.
And mail to:
Michelle Kratzer
1832 E Beautiful Ln
Phoenix, AZ 85042

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LLL of Arizona Group *
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