NEC21: Startup Showcase
All startups that submit will be considered for participation and contacted regarding their submission. If your startup meets these criteria, you’re eligible:

Has been operating for less than five years.
Has fewer than 50 employees
Is in the neurotechnology or a related physiological technology sector.

Please answer the following questions and click submit when complete. This form doesn’t allow saving, so consider typing your answers in another document and pasting them below:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your Startup's company name? *
What is your Startup's contact email? *
What is your Startup's URL? *
How long has your company been operating (years)? *
Current number of team members *
What is your company's principal Neuroergonomics innovation? *
Describe in less than 2000 characters
How is the viability of your company's principal innovation supported by fundamental research findings? *
Describe in less than 2000 characters
Please describe your business plan (path to market). *
Describe in less than 2000 characters
Please provide a link to any supplementary materials (if any).
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