Report a Bullying Incident
The Columbia School District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no student or employee is subjected to bullying or harassing behavior by other staff members or students.  The school district will act to investigate all complaints of bullying and/or harassing behavior and will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator or other school district employee, contractor or volunteer who is found to have violated this policy (Section J, Code JDDA Bullying, Columbia School District School Board Policies).  

Use the following form to report bullying, which includes incidents of cyberbullying. Fill it out online and it will be submitted to the appropriate administration. Reports are held in the strictest of confidence.

Whether you are a witness or target in this case, we want to thank you for helping us maintain a positive and safe school environment for all of our students. (All names provided are kept confidential.)  Reporting bullying or harassing behavior is the first step toward making our schools a safe place for everyone.
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Name (optional):
Today's Date: *
Email Address:
Phone Number:
School/Location Incident Occurred: *
Description of Incident (please be as detailed as possible): *
List any witnesses to this event.  Please use first and last names. *
Was this incident reported to any staff/employees of Columbia School District?  Please include names and dates that incident was reported. *
Location of Incident (cafeteria, bus, library, classroom, etc.): *
Date of Incident: *
Time of Incident: *
Would you like to be contacted regarding this incident?  If yes, contact information must be provided above. *
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