Trade Customer Sign Up Form

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Data Privacy
Here are some of the steps we are implementing.

Building a new server with the latest GDPR / PCI DSS compliant hardware firewall, implementing dual layer security to data accessing, so only staff with correct permissions can access customer data.  Implementing a fully managed malware and anti virus system ensuring it is kept up to date.

A full Data Protection policy can be found on our website or If you have any specific questions please email

Our Commitment To You
We will only use your data to provide a good customer service experience for reasons relevant, and not in excess to the providing of our services. We aim to keep data accurate, and not keep data any longer than is necessary. Your data will not be distributed other than for the purposes intended.
Your Benefits
As a fully engaged trade customer you get free access to the knowledge base with over 2000 manuals, exclusive trade offers, the most up to date product information including products in development.  You also will be the first to experience the new ElectricGateApp when released.
Please show your agreement with all the statements below
I would like to gain every advantage available from being an Electric Gate Shop trade customer.
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I would like to be included in the recommended installer programme  (You will be sent an invitation and full details)
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As a trade installer/supplier I agree that The Electric Gate Shop may pass my contact details to a potential customer in my agreed area of work (By agreeing you will gain free enquiries)
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I would like to receive exciting new product information updates by email (With many unique new products being launched it is important I am kept up to date)
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I would like get the best trade prices, discount codes, offers, news by email - usually once a month (Our 2017 Black Friday discounts were up to 75% off)
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I understand that I can unsubscribe from any email I receive at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button.
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I understand that I can access The Electric Gate Shop Terms and Conditions, Data Protection and GDPR Policies etc. in the more info section on the website.
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I am happy to allow my address and contact details to be stored for the use of the Electric Gate Shop/EGates  (It is necessary to conduct business and make order processing quicker and easier)
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For speed and quality of service when receiving quotes, I agree that quotes can be sent by both email and text (As I am not always in the office)
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I understand that I can have all my data deleted, by emailing a request to
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I am happy for my purchasing history to be retained for the expected life of the products I purchase (By keeping this information it allows us to check your purchase history and speeds up technical help, returns and warranty handling)
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Finally, would you be interested in attending our free electric gate automation installer training courses?
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