This form is for parents/guardians to request support services for you child/family. This referral will be received by our School Social Worker, Amanda Greenwood and the School Counselors, Bailey Winchester(K-2nd) and Danielle Williams(3rd-5th). Any information shared in this form is for the use of the school counselors/social worker and will NOT be kept in the any cumulative files.
School Counselors differ from mental health counselors in that we provide systemic support to all students through classroom lessons, small groups, and short-term, solution-focused counseling. Mental Health Counselors provide individual counseling sessions and function as long term therapy.
School Social Workers have access to community resources that may be helpful to your child/family. She is also available to assist families with attendance issues.
At times, the counselor, social worker, and school-based staff (teacher, principal, etc.) will need to exchange information about your child (how are they coping in class, strategies to help, etc.) All communication will take place only on a need-to-know basis.
If the basis for your referral is to report any abuse or neglect, you are required by law to contact the Department of Children's Services at 877-237-0004 ( If this is a crisis call 911 or go to your local emergency room.