Caregiver Referral for Student Support Services 2024-2025
This form is for parents/guardians to request support services for you child/family. This referral will be received by our School Social Worker, Amanda Greenwood and the School Counselors, Bailey Winchester(K-2nd) and Danielle Williams(3rd-5th). Any information shared in this form is for the use of the school counselors/social worker and will NOT be kept in the any cumulative files. Thank you for reaching out! Versión en español - Haga clic aquí

School Counselors differ from mental health counselors in that we provide systemic support to all students through classroom lessons, small groups, and short-term, solution-focused counseling. Mental Health Counselors provide individual counseling sessions and function as long term therapy.

School Social Workers have access to community resources that may be helpful to your child/family. She is also available to assist families with attendance issues.

At times, the counselor, social worker, and school-based staff (teacher, principal, etc.) will need to exchange information about your child (how are they coping in class, strategies to help, etc.) All communication will take place only on a need-to-know basis.

If the basis for your referral is to report any abuse or neglect, you are required by law to contact the Department of Children's Services at 877-237-0004 ( If this is a crisis call 911 or go to your local emergency room. 
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Caregiver Name *
Student's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Grade Level *
Teacher's Name *
What category best describes your child's need? *
Does your family need help with? *
Please share in a few sentences any background information that initiated this referral. *
I would like the school counselor/social worker to *
Please provide the best way to reach you. (Call, Text, Email) Please provide telephone number or email. *
Is there anything else you need the school counselor to know?
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