Headline News- 12/3
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Watch the video and answer the questions.
Posted 12/2
1. : This news says Taiwan is building.... *
1 分
2. : A small accident happened to a _____ going to Hualien. *
1 分
3. : This accident reminded people of an accident in August where (how many??) ______  people died. *
1 分
4. : Finally, President Tsai signed a law against... *
1 分
Posted 12/1
5. :  Miss Kuo was hit by... *
1 分
6. :  This is called... *
1 分
Posted 11/28
7. : This news talks about cancelling... *
1 分
8. : The news interviews the mayors of ... (choose 2) *
1 分
Posted 12/2
9. : According to the news, this is the first time the 'Brother Elephants' won the championship in _____ years. (How many?) *
1 分
10. :Which team did the Elephants beat in the championship game? *
2 分
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