Application Form (L2 Counselling Skills)
Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills (CSK-L2)

Welcome to Maple Leaf Counselling & Training Centre. Please complete the form to start your application process.

The last question on the form gives a link - please open this link in a new window and pay your registration fee.

If you have any questions please contact us directly on 01564 702105.

We look forward to seeing you soon!
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Which course are you applying for? *
Name (First name, Family / Surname) *
Address (incl. Postcode) *
Date of Birth *
Telephone Number *
Email Address *
Why would you like to take this course? *
Do you have any previous experience of counselling / helpee work? *
Do you have any learning needs, disabilities or mental health diagnosis that the training center would need to know in order to facilitate your requirements?  *
In response to the previous question are there are reasonable requirements you would like to share with us? 
Referee - Please supply the details of one person who could act as a referee for this course.  *
How will you be paying for the course? *
How did you hear about the course? *
Please use the link below to pay your deposit / reg fee to secure your place. 

Please confirm that this has been done below before submitting your application form. 
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