Family Support Group Registration
NAMI Family Support Group is a free peer-led support group for family members, partners, siblings, parents, friends, and other caregivers of people living with mental health conditions. A separate registration is required for each weekly group.
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Choose the date you would like to attend: *
Registration is required for all support groups dates you'd like to attend. Registration information will not be shared and will only be used in the event of a mental health crisis. Must be 18+ to register.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Street Address, City and State *
(Just for our records. You're encouraged to take any program that suits your needs regardless of where you reside.)
County *
(Just for our records. You're encouraged to take any program that suits your needs regardless of where you reside.)
Please provide the full name and phone number of an emergency contact: *
Your privacy is sacred to us. We ask for this information in case it is needed in unforeseen, emergency circumstances.
Name, age & relationship to your loved one.  Feel free to share diagnosis (if applicable)
Is this your first time attending a NAMI Central Texas Support Group? *
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