Taxonomic Updates to GB&I Fungus Checklists, on behalf of the British Mycological Society
This is a form to track any taxonomic updates and changes that contributors may want to propose for consideration to the British Mycological Society Field Mycology and Conservation Committee, as well as the evidence to support these changes, for implementation in various UK taxonomic databases.

Any updates and changes will be considered periodically and forwarded to the various dataset and checklist holders within the UK, including the British Mycological Society database (FRDBI - Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland); the Natural History Museum's UK Species Inventory; and RGB Kew's Basidiomycete and Ascomycete Checklists of Great Britain and Ireland.

The infrastructure to make these changes, and to flow into all collaborating databases in use, is still in development and may take some time to become properly functional. This work is also undertaken on a voluntary basis. We therefore request that users be patient in seeing any results of their recommendations being implemented.

It should be noted that approaches to taxonomic classification are not set in stone and that different user groups may prefer different approaches to classification. For example, field recorders may prefer to avoid the "splitting" of familiar taxon concepts into those identifiable only by DNA. Equally, some degree of caution and planning is needed before implementing sweeping changes in some taxonomic groups if there is a lack of freely available literature and guidebooks to support these changes, for example in accepting narrow species concepts in rust fungi without a reference text in English. Our approach is to increase the usefulness of taxonomic classification for all user groups (but particularly field mycologists) without adding to the already considerable confusion that is present in fungal taxonomy.

Any suggestions are therefore gratefully received for consideration, but are not guaranteed to be implemented in the near future.

Note that entries to this form can be edited using the "edit" link in the email received once completed.

Any additional queries can be addressed to Dr. Brian Douglas at .
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Email *
Is this change to be enacted as soon as possible, or is it it a provisional suggestion awaiting further confirmation (e.g. additional microscopic and/or DNA work? *
Person proposing this change *
Do you grant permission for your name, email address and/or contact details to be stored by the BMS and FMCC committee, and to be passed on to mycological staff at Kew where necessary, so that you can be contacted about this matter in the future? You can have your details removed at any time upon request to, in compliance with GDPR regulations. *
Type of change to the GB&I checklist *
Please fill in where appropriate and ignore the questions that are not appropriate to your suggested change. Please note that some name changes may require a new name and a deprecation of the "old" name. All names when entered should have the scientific binomial, authority, and Index Fungorum Registration Identifier entered to avoid any confusion.
New species name to be added (copy/paste from Index Fungorum)
New species authority (copy/paste from Index Fungorum)
New species Index Fungorum Registration Identifier (copy/paste from Index Fungorum). If not present in IF please check spelling of genus and/or epithet. Enter "Absent" if it is genuinely missing.
Species name to be deprecated
Authority of species name to be deprecated
Deprecated species Index Fungorum Registration Identifier (copy/paste from Index Fungorum). If not present in IF please check spelling of genus and/or epithet. Enter "Absent" if it is genuinely missing.
Species name to be excluded
Excluded species authority
Excluded species Index Fungorum Registration Identifier (copy/paste from Index Fungorum). If not present in IF please check spelling of genus and/or epithet. Enter "Absent" if it is genuinely missing.
Species concept to be recognised as a species complex
New synonymy - species with priority name (copy and paste from Index Fungorum)
New synonymy - species with priority authority (copy and paste from Index Fungorum)
New synonymy - species with priority Index Fungorum Registration Number (copy and paste from Index Fungorum)
New synonymy - name of species to be synonymised then deprecated (copy and paste from Index Fungorum)
New synonymy -authority of species to be synonymised then deprecated (copy and paste from Index Fungorum)
New synonymy - Index Fungorum Registration Number of species to be synonymised then deprecated (copy and paste from Index Fungorum)
Does this disagree with current Species Fungorum concepts?
Justification for changes to GB&I checklists and/or other databases to which this information may be forwarded
Details of supporting DNA sequences and phylogenies if newly generated (where relevant, email these to with a brief explanation)
Supporting articles (please provide weblinks, DOIs, etc.)
Any additional notes
Once submitted, you will receive a confirmatory email containing your submitted information. This can be edited using the "Edit" button provided in the email - please use this to update in the future if necessary (e.g. if a new name is provisional rather than confirmed).
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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