Thanks for your RSVP! We can't wait to see you.
This year's Annual Joint Bike Town Hall hosted by Sen Michael Dembrow (SD 23), Rep Khanh Pham (HD 46), and Rep Thuy Tran (HD 45) will feature a casual, non-strenuous 4.8 mile group bike ride using approved bike routes and protected bike lanes through Lents and Foster Powell neighborhoods in SE Portland (SD 23/HD 46). Stops and discussion along the route will spotlight community highlights and speakers on education, climate, transportation, and housing.
Date: Sunday, October 8th, 1pm-4pm
Start & Finish Location: Portland Mercado, 7238 SE Foster Rd
Questions? Call or text Anne Marie Bäckström at 971-322-7843 or email
Wear your helmet and bring a water bottle. Come early to grab lunch at the Mercado!