Customer Service Survey
This survey will be used to improve the Revenue Management Division’s service levels. Information collected from this survey will remain anonymous and will only be used for the purpose of improving our services.

Please assist us by answering the questions below. We thank you in advance for your feedback.
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1. Your Name
2. What's your email address
3. Your phone/mobile number *
4. Staff member who served you *
5. Communication channel
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6. Was the officer helpful and did they listen to you? *
Not Helpful and didnt listen
Helpful and listened
7. Was their communication (written or verbal), tailored to your needs or understanding of the subject?
8. What was their response time like?
9. Overall, are you satisfied with the service?
10. How could we improve our service?
11. Would you like us to contact you about this survey? Please ensure you have provided your name and contact details above (Questions 1, 2 and 3)
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