Safe Hands for Girls: Commitment to Sponsor a Family Form
Dear Pandemic of Love Community Member:

Thank you so much for stepping up to help women and girls in Gambia through our partnership with the 501.c.3. organization Safe Hands for Girls.

Safe Hands for Girls was established in Atlanta in 2013 by Jaha Dukureh, a young Gambian woman who had relocated to the U.S., to provide emotional and practical support to refugee and immigrant women -- FGM survivors-- from The Gambia and other African countries. Safe Hands quickly expanded its outreach to include adolescents and young women in their schools, reaching over 100 women and girls in the first year, and to train physicians on sensitive care for FGM survivors.

SHG programs focus on educating young people and on advocacy and awareness building for the general population.  Gambia's population is 1.8 million and slightly over 50% female.

For as little as $50 per month, you can help to feed an entire family and help to give a struggling mother some peace of mind, more time and the ability to keep their family safe amidst the unique challenges faces in Kenya due to COVID-19.

For a commitment of:

$50 will provide food for a family for a month
$150 will support a family through the end of the rainy season
$300 will support six families for one month

Please fill out the below form in order to be matched with a community member based on your financial ability to give and the frequency with which you can give.

We will connect you representative of the organization directly VIA EMAIL and ask that you keep their information confidential as you interact with them and determine how to fulfill their request.

This is a humbling experience on both sides of the transaction - for the giver and the person in need. Your Safe Hands for Girls match will provide you with details on where your donation is going.

Thank you for your generous heart and for recognizing the privilege you have to give and support others. Please spread the word and help us recruit others who are willing to give!

May you be healthy, may you be free from suffering and may you have peace now and always!

Much love and gratitude,

Shelly Tygielski
Founder, Pandemic of Love
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I am able to provide assistance with the following (check all that may apply) - if you check off helping with water delivery/purchase then we will send you a direct link to our POL tribe paypal account for purchases. *
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 I am able to commit to assisting a person or family:
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