Ballsy Broads Application
Don't hold back! Give me as much detail as you want/can. Within 72 hours I will be in your inbox with a link to grab a call with me and we can discuss this in more detail. 
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What drew you to Ballsy Broads? *
What is your primary goal or focus for Ballsy Broads? *
If you achieved exactly what you wanted, tell me how that would show up in your life and or impact your life?  *
Have you ever been in a group coaching program before or worked with a coach?  *
How familiar are you with mindset work?  *
Why is right now the best time for you to join this group? *
I ask that each person show up to the call, be present, active, and engaged. That makes the group a lot more fun and impactful. Is this something you are able to do?  *
Are interested in the 1 time payment that includes the bonus call or the payment plan? *
Anything else you would like to share? 
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