South Dakota School Counselor Association  2024-2025 Rising Star Award Nomination Form
Rising Star Award
This award is in recognition of a school counselor who:
  • Is a newcomer to the profession, who has entered the field within the last five years
  • Is a model for new counselors demonstrating highest standards of professional competence
  • Has made outstanding contributions to the school community and/or profession
  • Has demonstrated excellent rapport with students, parents and school personnel
  • Is a current member of SDSCA with a Masters degree and is certified by the state of SD
To be considered for this award, TWO nominations must be submitted for your Nominee.  No letters of recommendation are needed as all necessary information will be obtained in this form.

Nominations must be received by Friday, March 7th.  All nominations will be kept on file for 2 years.  

If you have any questions, please email

For additional information about the School Counseling profession and ideas on what to include in your nomination, check out these resources:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Name (First, Last Name) *
Your Place of Employment and Position *
Your Preferred Phone Number *
Your Preferred Email *
This award requires 2 people to nominate.  Who else is nominating this individual (and filling out this google form separately)? Please include their name and email address. *
Nominee (First, Last Name) *
Nominee's School *
Nominee's length of time as a School Counselor *
Nominee's Preferred Phone Number
Nominee's Preferred Email *
Is the Nominee a current SDSCA Member? *
Professional Competency & School Leadership:   School counselors participate as members of the educational team and use the skills of leadership, advocacy, and collaboration to promote systemic change. How is your nominee recognized as a leader with contributions to successful school-wide programs and activities?
Respect & Rapport:   Explain the nominee’s ability to demonstrate excellent rapport with students, parents, and school personnel.
Comprehensive School Counseling Program: The school counseling program is comprehensive in scope, preventive in design and developmental in nature and is an integral component of the school’s mission. How is your nominee working towards and/or maintaining a comprehensive school counseling program? *
Anything else you would like our awards committee to take into consideration?
Our Awards Committee will review nominations and make their selections after our nomination window has closed.  You will be notified of our decision regarding your nomination by April 1st.  Awards will be presented at the South Dakota School Counseling Association Banquet on May 2nd at the South Dakota Counseling Association Conference in Sioux Falls.  Thank you for your nomination!
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