UGD Token Request Form
Welcome to the Unigrid Testnet Funding Request Form

This form is specifically intended for validators who require a substantial amount of testnet tokens for activities on the unigrid-testnet-4. Whether it's for testing, network operations, or other essential functions, we understand the need for additional resources in a test environment.

⚠️ If you are not a validator and require a smaller amount of testnet tokens, please refer to the faucet available through our Discord server.

Thank you for your involvement in Unigrid.

We are excited to review your application and support your contributions as a validator. Your participation is vital to the robustness and development of the Unigrid network.
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Contact Details
Project / Team Name
Project URL if avaialable
Brief description of the project / team
Contact Name
Contact email address *
Contact Telegram or other social media handle
Funds Request
What is the intended use of the testnet funds?
How much funding are you requesting for the testnet?
What is the UGD address to receive funds?
I have understood that the request is for the unigrid-testnet-4
Any additional information you would like to share with us?
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