UILC Consumer Satisfaction Survey
There are new and familiar faces at the Center and we want to hear from all of you. It is important to us that we provide services you need. Completing the survey is completely voluntary. No personally identifying information is collected about the person completing the survey. The information gathered will help the UILC to provide better services to you. Please take a moment and answer the following questions.
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Do you think you have gained new skills or become more independent than you were when you first started working with the UILC? *
Overall, how satisfied are you with the services through the Utah Independent Living Center? *
Not at all
Very Satisfied
What services were the most helpful this past year?
What classes or services would you like to see the UILC provide next year?
Is there anything else good or bad about your experience with the UILC that you would like to share?
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