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The Smoke'n'Wordz Podcast Guest Form
Please fill out this form in order to register as a guest for the show. :)
-RB King aka Mr. Spliffindor aka Tony Spark aka SMOKE
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Preferred Episode
E1 - The Best & The Worst Parts of Cannabis Consummation (Pros VS Cons)
E2 - The Evolution of The Local Dealer (Street Dealers VS Dispensaries)
E3 - Having the Smoke with Parents (Perspective VS Perspective)
E4 - Comparing and Contrasting Circles (Hood Cyphers VS Hippie Sessions)
E5 - Different Types of Roll Up (Rolling Papers VS Backwoods VS Other)
E6 - The Myth Behind the Gateway (Gateway Drugs VS Cannabis)
E7 - The Out of Town Experience (Copping at Home VS Copping OT)
E8 - The Age Gate (Age Limit VS No Limit)
E Cloud 9 - Understanding the Alternatives to Rolling (Smoke VS Tabs VS Edibles VS Tincture VS Oils))
E10 - The Art of Growing (Growing Your Own VS Copping from Growers)
E11 - Aphrodisiacal Marijuana (Cannabis Practices That Enhance Sexual Experiences)
E12 - Stoner Relationships (The Pros and Cons of Dating Stoners and Non-Stoners)
E13 - Cannabis With Intention (Smoking for Medical Reasons or Anxiety)
E14 - The Munchie Episode (Snacks VS Everybody)
E15 - The Social Experience (Loner Stoners VS Social Butterflies)
E16 - Driving Under the Influence (Drunk Driving VS High Driving) - PSA
E17 - The Evolution of Marijuana Slang (Different Names and Meanings Overtime)
E18 - Being High with Time & Place (Moments and Places Where Your High May Be Blown)
E19 - The Judgement Episode (The Evolution of the Bad Stigma surrounding Marijuana)
E20 - Taking a Break/Quitting for a while (The dynamics of Breaking from Weed)
E21 - Moderate Abuse (The Fiend vs The Connoisseur)
E22 - Return of The Weediquettes (The Social Smoking Rules)
Short Description of Yourself (For Introduction on the episode)
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Are you at least 21 years or older?
Are you located in or near NYC?
Are you ok with the podcast being 4/20 Friendly?
Are you ok with smoking on camera?
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