MCQ Module 3: Lecture 5. Health literacy in Europe
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1. Limited health literacy is associated with:
1 point
2. You can tell how health literate a person is by knowing what grade he or she completed in school. *
1 point
3. Which of the following skills are considered to be components of health literacy? *
1 point
4. Being anxious affects a person’s ability to absorb, recall and use health information effectively. *
1 point
5. What is the average reading level of U.S children? *
1 point
6. What is the grade level at which health-related information (like a diabetes brochure) is typically written? *
1 point
7. What is the best reading level for written materials used with patients? *
1 point
8a. To use good health literacy practices, staff and clinicians should use which of the following words/phrases when talking to or writing instructions for a patient or family member?
1 point
8b. To use good health literacy practices, staff and clinicians should use which of the following words/phrases when talking to or writing instructions for a patient or family member?
1 point
8c. To use good health literacy practices, staff and clinicians should use which of the following words/phrases when talking to or writing instructions for a patient or family member?
1 point
8d. To use good health literacy practices, staff and clinicians should use which of the following words/phrases when talking to or writing instructions for a patient or family member?
1 point
8e. To use good health literacy practices, staff and clinicians should use which of the following words/phrases when talking to or writing instructions for a patient or family member?
1 point
8f. To use good health literacy practices, staff and clinicians should use which of the following words/phrases when talking to or writing instructions for a patient or family member?
1 point
9. Is it a good health literacy practice to assume that each patient you communicate with has limited health literacy. *
1 point
10. What strategies could all of us adopt to minimise the barriers and misunderstanding for patients? *
1 point
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