2022 UAV Chase Challenge Stage 1 Submission Form
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Team Information
Team Name *
Is your team affiliated with Purdue University? (Are any of your team's members or advisors also students or faculty at Purdue University?) *
Submitting Source Code
Before submitting, please upload your repository to GitHub and follow these instructions:
1. Add the user cam2-uav-challenge as a collaborator to your repository with read access.
2. Ensure a readme exists in the repository with instructions on how to launch your solution.
3. Mark your solution's current version with a tag "stage1-final".
Please post a the link to your GitHub submission here: *
Submitting Video and Rosbag
In the case that we encounter difficulties running your solution, we would like to have a video and a rosbag recording of the solution running as intended. Please upload the following to Google Drive and share them with autodrone.cam2@gmail.com:
1. A video recording of your solution running as intended in the trial 1 and trial 2 simulators.
2. A rosbag recording all ROS topics over the duration of the video to Google Drive (use rosbag record -a, see http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Tutorials/Recording%20and%20playing%20back%20data).
Google Drive Video Trial 1 Link *
Google Drive Rosbag Trial 1 Link *
Google Drive Video Trial 2 Link
Google Drive Rosbag Trial 2 Link
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