2021 CAS- SFRC Registration Form
Good day! To register for the 2021 CAS-Student Faculty Research Conference, please fill out the appropriate blanks and choices.
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Email *
Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) *
Sex *
1. Affiliation (If "others," please specify) *
2. If CAS-affiliated, select your respective unit. *
3. Classification (for CAS registrants). If "others," please specify. *
4. Are you presenting a paper? *
5. By participating in the 2021 UPLB College of Arts and Sciences-Student Faculty Research Conference, you are giving consent to the conference organizers to record the sessions' audio-video streams and possibly use these in purposes related to the SFRC, such as proceedings, publications, and online dissemination. If you choose not to give consent, please contact us at cas_sfrc.uplb@up.edu.ph.                                                         *
The link to the Conference Kit (program and Zoom links to the plenary and parallel sessions) will be displayed once registration is submitted. Please take note of the link: https://tinyurl.com/4e7dxs9w
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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