Intramural Sports - Equipment Rental Request Form
To rent equipment you must be at least 18 years old and present appropriate forms of identification.

Equipment rental requests must be made one week prior to the requested pickup of the equipment.

Payment must be made at the Recreational Sports Office located in 142 McComas Hall before picking up equipment.  Equipment returned late will result in an additional day-rental fee for each day after the return date.  Equipment that is lost or destroyed must be replaced at the original price value and not the depreciated value.

All equipment will be picked up and returned to the Intramural Sports Office located in 153 McComas Hall. Specific pickup and return times will be specified in the request confirmation email. Bring your receipt from McComas Hall as confirmation of your submitted payment.

Cancellations may be made 24 hours prior to the scheduled pickup time to receive a refund. Cancellations may be made by email. No refunds are issued for early returns.

Equipment Liability Statement:  "I agree that the equipment being checked out to me is in good condition and I will be financially responsible for any loss or damage while it is in my possession. I understand that I have a responsibility and the opportunity to inspect the equipment for damage or missing parts at the Intramural Sports Office." "I agree that if the equipment is lost or destroyed while in my possession, I will pay replacement price value and not depreciated value." "I agree to pay any and all late fines for equipment not returned within the designated check-out period on my rental agreement." Late fines are charged daily at the one day rental rate. "I agree to release the Intramural Sports department, Virginia Tech, and Student Engagement and Campus Life, its agents, and employees from any and all liability for damages and personal injury to myself or any person or property, whether in contract or in tort, resulting from negligence in selection, adjustment, instruction of use, and/or any maintenance of this equipment, accepting myself the full responsibility for any and all damages or injury of any kind which may result."

By accepting the equipment reservation and/or checking out the equipment, you are agreeing to the policies stated for Intramural Sport Equipment Rental listed above as well as the Equipment Liability Statement.

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Available Equipment Rentals and Pricing Can be Found Here:
First Name *
Last Name *
VT Email Address *
This must be your Virginia Tech PID (i.e.
Hokie Passport Number *
Enter number without dashes
Phone Number *
Enter 10 digit number without dashes (include area code)
Organization/Student Group *
Event Name *
Event Date(s) *
Equipment Pick-Up Date *
Equipment Return Date *
Equipment Requested *
Please include quantities for each item requested
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