Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - Durham, NC

Thank you completing our Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) contact information form. We are excited to learn more about the ways you feel called to serve God and our community. Many JPIC opportunities are shared through our parish e-newsletters, mass announcements, and our various JPIC ministries. Our JPIC web page is the primary location for all JPIC information, including our ministry and program descriptions, contact information, as well as our JPIC calendar of monthly and recurring events.

This is your faith and church. We are so grateful that you have taken the initiative to make it such a special place dedicated to living the Gospel message!
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Preferred Name (Nickname) 
Preferred Contact Number (Please note if it is a cell, home, or work number).
Please check the boxes next to all the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) ministries/categories that interest you.
Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) information is often shared through our five major JPIC parishioner ministry teams. On our JPIC webpage, you can connect directly with the JPIC parishioner leaders of each team or ministry to learn more about the ways your interests, gifts, and talents more specifically complement the work we do as a parish to serve those in need.
If you have a specific social justice issue or concern that you would like to volunteer to work on within our parish, please include it below:
Do you have any other gifts, talents, or degrees you would like to share (i.e. social worker, law, healthcare, administration, event planner, computer skills, etc.)? Are you fluent in languages other than English? Please feel free to mention anything else you think may possibly help our JPIC's social justice efforts!
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