STEM Scaffold Santa Fe Mentor Info
STEM Scaffold Santa Fe recruits and trains caring local STEM college students and professionals to guide their work in weekly, small group, hands-on STEM projects with Middle School and High School students.

The pay is $17/hour for those college students who are not using community service hours. Training sessions are required and passing a background check is required. We will pay for your background check and the training sessions.

You would be mentoring a small group of students (5-6) in our in-school mentorship program and would involve your commitment for 1-4 hours a week for several weeks in a row.

COVID-19 protocols will be followed as required by the school site.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full Name: *
Phone Number: *
Field of Study *
current Mailing Address
If a student, school/college you are enrolled in:
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Where are you in your career? *
If you are a STEM professional volunteering, what is your current occupation: retired? Working, then where?
Describe any prior experience you have as a mentor: *
Describe your prior experience being mentored: *
Describe why you wish to mentor students: *
Are you fully vaccinated against COVID-19? We will need to present your vaccination card at the school. *
How did you hear about this mentorship opportunity?
Please provide the name and email address of a reference: *
Are you fluent in Spanish? *
Very little
Pretty fluent and can mentor in Spanish
Do you already have a background check done with Santa Fe Public Schools district? *
Do you already have a background check done with Santa Fe Indian School district? *
Do you already have a background check done with any school district? Please list *
These are current mentorship sessions. Check if you are available. It is ok if not. There might be other opportunities in the future. *
Are you available for a paid training session on Saturday Feb. 18, 2023 at Santa Fe Community College  1-4 PM *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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