香港開發者調查 Hong Kong Developer Survey
每年有數之不盡的開發者調查,包括 Stackoverflow、JetBrains 等等,唯獨每一次的調查都沒有一個屬於香港本地市場的資訊,故此我們正搜集香港開發者的現況,志在讓業界人士更了解行內狀況。在完成調查後,我們將於 HK Developer 香港開發者雜誌發佈。

There are countless developer surveys every year, including Stackoverflow, JetBrains, etc, but none of the survey contains any local information for Hong Kong. So, we are now collecting the current situation of developers in Hong Kong, aiming to let our developers in Hong Kong know more about the latest trend and situation. After completing the survey, we will publish it in the "HK Developer Magazine".

聯絡 Contact
Tecky Academy Limited
聯絡電郵 Email:
聯絡電話 Telephone: +852 97256400
您的工作職稱 Your job title *
您的年齡 Your age *
您的性別 Your gender *
您在科技界的工作年資 Your working experience in IT *
您的公司員工數量 Number of staff in your company *
您的未扣稅項及強積金的月薪是? How much is your monthly salary before tax and MPF? (港幣計算 in HKD) *
您的學歷背景 Your educational background *
您從哪裡學習到編程? How did you learn Programming? *
您主要的工作編程語言? What are your main programming languages in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的編輯器/整合開發環境? What are your major editor/IDE in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的資料庫/搜尋引擎? What are your major database system/search engine in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的前端框架? What are your major frontend framework in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的 CSS 界面框架? What are your major CSS UI framework in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的後端框架? What are your major backend framework in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的單元測試框架? What are your major unit testing framework in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的機械學習工具? What are your major machine learning tools in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您主要使用的數據工程相關工具? What are your major data engineering tools in your work? (可多選 Multiple Selection) *
您未來最想學習的技術? Which technology do you wish to learn next? *
您對公司現有技術的滿意程度? Your satisfaction on the current company tech stack? *
非常不滿意 Very dissatisfied
非常滿意 Very satisfied
您公司有意向轉換現有技術嗎? How likely will your company switch to another tech stack? *
完全沒有意向 Very unlikely
非常有意向 Very likely
您對香港科技界展望? Your view on the future of Hong Kong's IT sector *
非常不樂觀 Very negative
非常樂觀 Very positive
您會預計在一年內轉換工作嗎? How likely will you change your job in one year? *
非常不樂觀 Very unlikely
非常樂觀 Very likely
您會預計在一年內到海外發展嗎? How likely will you continue your career in oversea in one year? *
非常不樂觀 Very unlikely
非常樂觀 Very likely
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