Climate Change and Emotional Intelligence


What information might our emotions have for us? In a world where we are bombarded with news about war, illness, over-population, climate change and political polarization it becomes increasingly important that we learn how to navigate our internal landscape and cultivate inner resilience.

This workshop series increases awareness of your emotional landscape, and explores how you can use emotions of sadness, anger, joy and fear to gather information, negotiate intimacy in challenging situations, and distill your purpose in an ever changing complex polycrisis.


These workshops will take place on the 16th, 23rd, 30th November, 2024, 6-8pm CET
Please make sure that you can attend all workshops when signing up.

To confirm your spot please pay the registration fee. The sliding scale is between 90-150 Euros for all three workshops.

You can email me at if you have any questions

Looking forward to seeing you there,


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Please tell me a bit about yourself. Why are you interested in attending this workshop? Why does climate change and emotional intelligence matter to you? 
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To confirm your spot please pay the registration fee. The sliding scale is between 90-150 Euros for all three workshops.
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Each workshop builds on the previous workshop, and requires for us to work as a team. Will you commit to attending all three sessions?
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