
We posted an issue with information about a dependency update on your project's issue tracker.

This was automatically created by a research tool called Uppdatera. We are a group* of independent university researchers that wants to make updating dependencies a more informed and safe experience for OSS project admins.

We would be thankful if you could provide feedback about our research. Your help will be valuable for us and the research community working on package management systems.

Many thanks in advance!

* Due to double-blind policy for submissions of academic papers, we have to keep our identity hidden and we are only allowed to reveal it after decisions about our submitted papers have been made final. We will publish our paper in an open-access venue, such as arxiv. If you want to drop us a line, feel free to give your email and we will contact you back.
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Do you find current dependency services (e.g., dependabot) useful? Please explain briefly. *
Is Uppdatera more useful than current dependency management services (e.g., dependabot)? *
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Feel free to write anything: what did you find missing or useful with the information Uppdatera provided?
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