Customer Service
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First and Last Name *
What program will you be working on this summer? *
What Eagle Lake core value encompasses customer service? *
1 point
What are the two Eagle lake customers that you will be interacting with this summer? *
1 point
What is the first reason to aspire to have positive customer interactions according to Collin? *
1 point
What is the second reason to aspire to have positive customer interactions according to Collin? *
1 point
What is the third reason to aspire to have positive customer interactions according to Collin? *
1 point
What is the first way to live out phenomenal customer service according to Collin? *
1 point
What is an example of a professional welcome according to Collin? *
1 point
What is the third way to live out phenomenal customer service according to Collin? *
1 point
What is the forth (part one) way to live out phenomenal customer service according to Collin? *
1 point
What is the forth (part two) way to live out phenomenal customer service according to Collin? *
1 point
How engaging was this session?
I'd attend part 2!
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How helpful was this session?
Wait, what am I supposed to know?
I'm ready for the summer!
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