Paris Everything Home & Garden Expo - April 26th & 27th, 2025
This form can be used to register for the Paris Everything Home & Garden Expo being held April 26th & 27th, 2025 by KB Events Canada. The event will run from 10am-4pm on Saturday and 10am-4pm on Sunday. This event is located at the Paris Fairgrounds. There are indoor spaces available. Indoor vendors are provided with 2 chairs and 1 8ft table.
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Company/Business name: *
Name (First and last name) *
Email *
Items that you sell (What you list here will be what you are permitted to bring to the event, if your application is accepted. Additional items will only be allowed if approved by KB Events Canada. This helps us to reduce overlap as much as possible).

PLEASE NOTE: Only vendors whose products/services relate to the event theme will be accepted.
Social Media Links (Please provide direct link) *
Please select what sized space you would like:                                                                                                       

Please note: You are required to sign up for both days of the event. 
Do you require electricity? Please note: electricity is an additional charge of $15 per day. *
Do you require a spot against the wall? (There are no guarantees and these spots will be subject to availability). *
In accordance with local and provincial requirements, all food vendors must be in line with what these requirements are. 

This includes preparing all food in a certified and inspected kitchen (including any baked goods). 

PLEASE NOTE: You will also be required to fill out a form for the health unit. If you have any questions/are unsure of whether or not you will meet all of the requirements- please call or email the local health unit to get more information before applying for this event.
Would you like to be contacted about future events as well? *
I understand that if I am approved, payment is due within 24 hours through Etransfer or Square or I will be forfeiting my spot. *
Would you be interested in either donating to the swag bags (there are 50 daily) and/or grand prizes? *
‎Delivery/Payment: It is the vendors responsibility to deliver and arrange payments to customers to fulfill purchases made during the event. *
Space: Subletting space is prohibited. The approved vendor may not assign or sublet any part of their space unless approved by the event organizer. KB Events Canada nor the host facility will be responsible for injury, loss, expense or damage to persons, goods or equipment. I agree that I will stay until the end of the event and will not pack up nor leave before the official event end time. If I do indeed pack up or leave before the official end time I understand that I will not be allowed in future events.                                                         *
Late arrivals and set up: Vendors are required to arrive in sufficient time to be fully set up by the start time of the event. If a vendor arrives past the event start time, you will not be permitted to set up that day. If this is a 2 day event, you may come back the 2nd day granted that you are on time. KB Events Canada will not issue a refund nor event credit if you are late.
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Event refunds and transfer of fees: I understand that a spot is being held for me if I am approved and accepted, which is nonrefundable nor can be credited to another event under any circumstances. KB Events will not be responsible in anyway nor will they refund, discount or compensate for any lack of interest from the public. Every effort will be made to operate the event, however; if an event is cancelled due to circumstances out of our control, no refunds will be issued however a credit will be. If the event is cancelled due to COVID lockdown the event will either be rescheduled or your credit will be transferred to another event. *
Security: All vendors are responsible for ensuring they comply with the law and other regulations. Any misconduct towards staff or fellow vendors before or during the event will result in forfeiting your spot automatically. *
Please note: Failure to comply with any of the above policies will result in you as a vendor not being invited back for future events. *
I understand that as a vendor I am required to help advertise the event. Advertising material will be provided. *
Please sign your name and date below signifying that you have read and agree to all named terms/conditions. *
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