Intake Form
Please fill out this intake form so we can get you started with the classes. We offer the Billings Ovulation Method at no cost for all Catholic women/couples directly through CWCNFP.

For people with eligible insurance, we also offer Billings, Creighton, STM, Marquette, and FEMM at no cost for all women/couples, regardless of religious affiliation, through MyCatholicDoctor. 
Email *
Woman's email
Woman's First Name
Woman's Last Name *
Woman's Phone *
Woman's Date of Birth *
Woman's Religion
Marital status
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Man's name
Man's date of birth
Man's email
Man's phone
Man's religion
State *
wedding date (if engaged or convalidating)
number of children *
previous family planning (if any) *
What is your reason for using NFP vs contraception?
Immediate plan for NFP
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Which method do you prefer? All classes are live over Zoom.
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We have a partnership with MyCatholicDoctor that allows us to offer more methods (Billings, Creighton, Sympto-Thermal, Marquette, FEMM, Boston Cross Check) at no cost. It does require eligible insurance (insurance is billed, but you will not receive a bill or be responsible for a copay or deductible or anything). If you would like to go through them, please provide the name of your insurance. (eg: BCBS or Aetna, etc)
If using insurance, please provide the type of insurance (eg: PPO, HMO, POS, etc)
If neither of those is an option, or if we don't have a provider in network with your insurance, we can refer you to a low-cost instructor for Marquette, Creighton, or Billings. Do you want this option?
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Is there anything  else you want us to know? If so, please share it here. 
If you would like to speak to an assistant to answer any questions, please let us know. Otherwise we will email you the scheduling information. 
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