Olympic- Anonymous Feedback Form
We know that sometimes it can be difficult to speak up when there may be needs or concerns in our community. Please use this form to notify school administration about a concern.

To take action, we will need information about your concern. If there is someone who needs support or a check-in, be sure to include their name, grade, or other information that can help us reach out to them. If you observed something unsafe, tell us where it happened and who was involved.

This form is anonymous; it does not track who submits a response. It also means we cannot find you to ask for more information.

If you do want to speak with someone, please call Olympic High School at (925) 6827-0363.
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What concern or need do you want to report? *
How urgent is this concern or need? *
Your Name (optional)
If you want someone at [SCHOOL NAME] to follow up about your concern, please include relevant information to help us get started (names, details of the incident, etc.) *
Would you like to meet with [SCHOOL NAME] staff to discuss this concern?
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